Humpback whales are affectionately known as the ‘acrobats of the ocean’. This is due to their impressive array of behaviours. Any or all of the following humpback behaviours may be observed onboard one of our Sydney whale watching tours.
It is important to remember that whale behaviour is different each day. Our whale watching tours take you out to observe the whales in their natural environment. We are not taking you out to see a performance.
Whales are wild animals, and we promote responsible and respectful whale watching.
Humpbacks may slap the water’s surface with one or both fins (pectorals) simultaneously. This may serve as a means of communication to other whales. It is also and effective means to rid the pectorals of any parasites.
The underside of a whale’s tail is called the fluke. Each fluke is unique just like our fingerprints. A fluke up dive is where the tail of the humpback appears out of the water in an upward arch and slowly rolls underwater in conjunction with a dive.
The humpback raises its tail flukes out of the water and slaps them downward forcefully on the surface of the water. This behaviour is often repetitive and may serve as a warning.
An energetic display whereby the whale throws its tail out of the water and in the process slaps its peduncle (the area between the dorsal fin and the tail fluke) on the water’s surface.
The whale rises vertically towards the surface with its head out of the water. Some believe that this allows the whales to see what is happening above the waterline.
The whale uses its tail to propel part of, or all of its body out of the water and comes down with a splash. Some believe that this is a form of communication between whales, whilst others believe it is used to rid the whale of parasites.
We are very privileged in Australia when it comes to whales. Approximately 50% of all the world’s whales and dolphins are found in Australian waters with at least 45 species of whales and dolphins living in or visiting Australian waters. However, it is the annual humpback whale migration that gives us the best opportunity to observe these magnificent mammals and their whale surface behaviours.
The humpback whales that we see off the New South Wales coast spend the summer in Antarctica feeding upon krill and putting on lots of weight. They leave their summer feeding grounds in March/April, and we start to see them off the Sydney coast in May, June, July and August. They travel up to the Great Barrier Reef where they calve and breed. We then see them heading back south between late August to mid-November.
If you would like to see humpback whales in the wild in Sydney, join us for a 3-hour Whale Watching Cruise! Learn more about our Sydney whale watching cruises here.
All photos above were taken by staff of Go Whale Watching Sydney.
You are required to arrive 20 minutes prior to your departure time. Please have a copy of your booking visible on your phone, device, or a printed copy of your booking.
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